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Artifacts 101

Primary Stats

Boots are the only source of major speed. 99% of the time, you should be in speed boots
Early game, C.Rate gloves on your damage dealers. Once you can get 100% C.Rate with substat rolls, switch to C.Dmg gloves
Accuracy banners on your 6 star debuffer champs to overcome resistance.
Stat Weapon Helmet Shield Gloves Armor Boots Ring Amulet Banner
HP %

Artifact Upgrades

Gear upgrades are essential but also costly to max out. Use the table below to gauge the required silver to get a given piece of gear to a certain level.

Always roll to level 8 before investing more. It's ~30-60k to unlock 2 substats that may make the gear less desirable if they roll into undesired stats
3 star and below, never use. 4 star, only take to 12. 5 and 6 star should be all your champs wear from early mid-game onwards.
Level 5* Attempt Cost 6* Attempt Cost Probability Substat 5* Average Cumulative Cost 6* Average Cumulative Cost
1 600 600
2 1000 1600
3 1900 3500
4 2800 6,300
5 3850 6100 14,000
6 4900 7800 23,800
7 6350 36,500
8 7800 59,900
9 9500 13950 88,400
10 11200 122,000
11 13200 174,800
12 15200 235,600
13 17700 306,400
15 23,200

Upgrade Progression

HP 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 +10 +11 +12 +13 +14 +15 +16
4* 260 1286 1671 1800 2840
5* 450 1044 1638 2231 3480
6* 600 769 939 1108 1277 1446 1616 1785 1954 2123 2293 2462 2631 2800 2970 4080

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